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Dr. Price in a suit

Dr. Price in a suit

“Major Developments in American Opinion”
Professor Laura Stoker, Political Science, UC Berkeley
Thursday, June 28, 2018
6:00 Networking
6:45 Dinner
($27 members; $32 nonmembers)
7:00 Program
Crow Canyon Country Club
711 Silver Lake Drive, Danville
Please RSVP btilford@pacbell.net

The San Ramon Valley Democratic Club is glad to welcome Laura Stoker, Professor of Political Science at UC Berkeley, speaking on the “Major Developments in American Opinion.” Professor Stoker will report on continuity and change in the political views of the American public, drawing upon decades of national survey data. The emphasis will be on major developments concerning partisanship and their implications for voting and elections. Topics will include the emerging Democratic advantage in the electorate; the erosion of trust in government; the ongoing—and widening?—partisan gender gap; the increasing ideological and issue-based divisions between Democrats and Republicans; and the growing hostility of Democrats and Republicans toward members of the other party.

Laura Stoker’s research focuses on the development and change of political attitudes and behavior with a focus on family influences and generational change. She also writes on topics at the intersection of research design and statistics, including the optimal design of multi-level studies, problems of aggregation, and the estimation of cohort effects. She regularly teaches undergraduate and graduate courses on political psychology and research methods. Her publications have appeared in many venues including the American Political Science Review, American Journal of Political Science, British Journal of Political Science, Electoral Studies, and Journal of Politics. Stoker is the recipients of fellowships from the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Oxford University, and the University of Manchester. Stoker has served on the Board of Overseers of the American National Election Studies (2000-2002; Chair 2000-2002) and the British National Election Studies (2014-present).

Please join us at 6:00 pm to talk about the latest political news or to just socialize and have fun.

We have dinner meetings.
Members and Invited Guests: $27
Non-members: $32,

Please email Brodie Hilp that you are coming by Thursday, June 21 (Bill’s email). Thank you for your help.

RSVP: To make certain you have a dinner, please RSVP.
Please make checks payable to Brodie Hilp, to 130 Bridgeside Circle, Danville, CA 94506