99% Action Day Walnut Creek April 17

Honor Patriotic Americans Who Pay Their Fair Share
LOCATION: Walnut Creek Main Post Office
2070 North Broadway north of Ygnacio Valley Rd
TIME: 11:30 am – 1:30 pm

Across the country MoveOn and allied organizations will take action on April 17th because it is the last day that Americans can mail in their fair share to provide revenue for all that good government does to protect and empower us. Come rally with us as we thank people for paying their fair share. Please wear red, white and blue, bring an American flag and bring a sign.

In honor of the celebration Betsy Rose, the well known singer and songwriter and member of the Occupellas, will be leading us in song and will be joining cheerleaders thanking the taxpayers, lots of people in Uncle Sam hats, waving American flags and carrying signs. There will also be free bumper stickers, street theater and a fact sheet.

This will be a Civil Obedience Action in that we will comply with all laws, and stay out of the way of those doing business at the post office and away from traffic.

On April 17th we will remind people that:

  • Paying your fair share is patriotic
  • Funding lobbyists to create legislation full of loopholes is UNPATRIOTIC
  • Stashing money off shore to avoid paying your company’s fair share is desertion of one’s responsibility to country and UNPATRIOTIC
  • 30 of the largest corporations in America do not pay income tax, they are UNPATRIOTIC. They made profits of $160 B while getting refunds of $10.7 B
  • Taxes are an investment in America
  • I paid my fair share,what about the 1%?
  • Patriots pay their fair share
  • Fair taxes for a strong America
  • Taxpayers who pay their fair share support our country
  • Invest in America
  • Patriots don’t lobby for loopholes
  • Tell our Senators to ditch the loopholes
  • Congress: End Corporate Welfare
  • Congress: Close the Loopholes