PUBLIC FORUM on Ballot Initiatives September 29, 2016 in Danville

California VotePUBLIC FORUM
November Ballot Initiatives
Thursday, September 29, 2016
7:00 – 9:00 PM
Danville Veteran’s Memorial Building
400 Hartz Avenue, Danville
Please RSVP

The San Ramon Valley Democratic Club, Lamorinda Democratic Club, Tri-Valley Democratic Club and the Diablo Valley Democratic Club invite you to a Public Forum on the California Ballot Initiatives on the November 2016 election. There are 17 ballot initiatives and 2 tax measures on the November ballot. Clearly voters can be easily overwhelmed. To provide information so that voters can make informed decisions, we provide speakers pro about the ballot initiatives.

Representatives from the following ballot initiatives are invited.
Proposition 51: School bonds: Authorize $9 billion in school construction bonds
Proposition 52: State Fees on Hospitals. Federal Medi-Cal Matching Funds. 
Proposition 53: Bond rule: Require voter approval for state revenue bonds $2 billion and more
Proposition 54: Transparency: Require Legislature to publish bill 72 hours before passage
Proposition 55: Tax Extension to Fund Education and Healthcare
Proposition 56: Cigarette Tax to Fund Healthcare, Tobacco Use Prevention, Research, and Law Enforcement
Proposition 57: Criminal justice reform so that judges decide, rather than district attorneys, on whether juveniles are tried as adult; earlier possibility for parole for nonviolent offenders
Proposition 58: English language learning
Proposition 59: Campaign finance Nonbinding instruction to lawmakers to seek to overturn 2010 Supreme Court ruling vof Citizens United
Proposition 60: Adult Films. Condoms. Health Requirements
Proposition 61: State Prescription Drug Purchases. Pricing Standards
Proposition 62: Death penalty: Make life imprisonment with no parole strongest sentence
Proposition 63: Gun safety laws: Firearms. Ammunition Sales
Proposition 64: Marijuana: Legalize recreational use and tax purchases
Proposition 65: Carry-out bags: Require grocery stores direct paper bag sale proceeds toward environmental fund
Proposition 66: Death penalty: Preserve capital punishment and speed up judicial review
Proposition 67: Plastic bags: Overturn 2014 plastic bag ban
Measure X (CCTA)

FREE (Suggested $5 donation)
Please email Brodie Hilp that you are attending.

Parking is available on Front Street and Railroad Avenue.