April 25, 2013 Meeting

CLIMATE CHANGE: What Is It and What Does It Mean For Our Future?
Jim Donnelly, QEP
Thursday, April 25
CLICK HERE for the Presentation

6:15 pm Social Get Together
6:45 pm Dinner
7:15 pm Program

Environmental Scientist

Jim will present the history of scientific evidence of climate change and current research with up-to-date charts and data substantiating its huge effects. He will also discuss the expected Climate Change impacts for the US and globally.

Jim Donnelly is an Environmental, Health & Safety consultant with more the 40 years of experience. He has presented many papers and written book chapters on air pollution control and waste management. He has also been a peer reviewer of EPA’s Combustion research program. Jim provided testimony before the U.S. Senate on air pollution controls for the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments. He is a Qualified Environmental Professional, Past President of the Institute for Professional Environmental Practice and currently serves as the Golden West Section Chair of the Air & Waste Management Association. He teaches environmental review courses for professionals pursuing an environmental professional certification with one section of the course covering Global Climate Change. He is also a MSHA instructor for surface miners. He holds a B.S. in Chemistry and a M.A. in Leadership.

6:15 pm Social Get Together
6:45 pm Dinner
7:15 pm Program

Even if you opt to attend just the meeting, please join us at 6:15 pm to talk to socialize and have fun.

Location: Crow Canyon Country Club
711 Silver Lake Drive, Danville, CA 94526
(925) 735-5700

Members & Invited Guests: $25
Non-members: $30 ($25 for dinner and $5 requested donation to help offset program costs)
Presentation only $5 (requested donation)

Please email Jim Donnelly that you are coming by Monday, April 22 (we need a ‘head count’ for the dinner). Thank you for your help.

RSVP: To make certain you have a dinner, please RSVP.
Mail checks, made out to Jim Donnelly, to 373 Century Circle, Danville, CA 94526
Or call him at (925) 570-9289