Battleground California


You can help increase the chances people vote NO on Prop. 32 and YES on Prop. 30, by making phone calls FROM YOUR HOME! It is very easy, because we call Democratic Voters, AND you can do it ONLINE.

Go to and begin making calls. The added incentive is that your calls will also help increase the number of Democrats in the House. We phone people in the BattleGround Congressional Districts. You can call people in the congressional districts of Astronaut Jose Hernandez (CD 10), or Ami Bera, former Dean of UC Davis Medical School (CD 7) to help turn those Red districts BLUE (Help put Dan Lungren and Jeff Denham OUT of office). In addition you can call those in the districts of Congressman Jerry McNerney (CD 9) or Congressman John Garamendi (CD 3) to help keep those districts BLUE. Help deliver a Blue Congress to President Obama.


Proposition 32 threatens to take unions out of the political process entirely. We’ve fought attempts like this twice before (1998 and 2005), but this new proposition is worse and will hurt our state and local parties.
Proposition 32 is deceptively named the, “Stop Special Interest Money Now Act”. Supporters claim it will take big money out of politics and fix all of Sacramento’s problems. In reality, this measure was carefully crafted to give billionaire businessmen and corporate special-interests even more political power. It’s more appropriately called the “Special Exemptions Act,” because the measure:

  • Creates special exemptions for wealthy donors and corporate special interests, allowing them to keep spending unlimited amounts of money through business ‘front’ groups.
  • Does nothing to restrict secretive Super PACs and their undisclosed donors from spending millions to influence elections in California.
  • Singles out everyday heroes like teachers, nurses and firefighters, by limiting their ability to speak out on critical issues in our communities that matter to us all.
  • If passed, this measure will have a devastating effect on the Democratic Party, candidates, and progressive issues we all care about.


    We need to work to ensure passage of Proposition 30, which the activist base, teachers and the Governor’s office worked together to produce. While this bill does include a necessary tax increase, those incoming funds would be entirely directed toward our children and families to support education and public safety.

    Proposition 30 will protect school and safety funding and help address the state’s chronic budget mess.

  • Prevents deep school cuts and provides billions in new funding. Without Prop. 30, our schools and colleges face $6 billion in devastating cuts this year.
  • Prop 30 provides billions in new funding for our schools starting this year — supporting everything from smaller class sizes to afterschool programs.

  • Guarantees local public safety funding. Prop. 30 establishes a guarantee for public safety funding in our state’s constitution, where it can’t be touched without voter approval. This will keep cops on the street and save the state billions in prison costs over the long term.
  • Helps balance the budget. Prop. 30 balances our state budget and helps us pay down California’s debt—built up by years of gimmicks, borrowing and phony solutions.
  • To protect schools and safety, Prop. 30 temporarily increases personal income taxes on the highest earners – couples with incomes over $500,000 a year — and establishes the sales tax at a rate lower than it was last year.

    There’s a lot at stake – defeating Prop 32, passing Prop 30 and electing Democrats, at every level is crucial!

    We need your help to keep California the beautiful Blue State that we all love.