Brady Campaign Vigil & Rally Monday February 25 6:30-7:30 pm in Pleasant Hill

WHAT: Vigil for Newtown & other gun violence victims
WHEN: Monday, February 25 at 6:30-7:30 pm
WHERE: Corner of Gregory Lane and Cleaveland Rd. (City Hall, 100 Gregory Lane), Pleasant Hill
PARKING: Park in Pleasant Hill Park parking lot, kitty corner from City Hall

The Contra Costa Brady Chapter will hold a vigil for the victims of the Newtown massacre and the many others who have been killed or wounded with firearms recently in CA and the US.

Join us for a bell ringing and reading of names to remember and honor the victims of the Newtown massacre and other victims of American gun violence.

Flameless candles will be provided. Bring signs for passing motorists supporting the President’s proposals and calling for elected officials to: “They Deserve a Vote”, “Protect Our Kids” — “Demand Universal Background Checks”, “Ban Assault Weapons” ,“Regulate Firearms Sales”, “Ban High Capacity Magazines”, “Close the Gun show Loophole” “Stop Illegal Gun Trafficking”, etc.