Congressman Mark DeSaulnier May 31, 2018

Congressman Mark DeSaulnier

Congressman Mark DeSaulnier

Congressman Mark DeSaulnier
Thursday, May 31, 2018
6:00 Networking
6:45 Dinner
($27 members; $32 nonmembers)
7:00 Program
Crow Canyon Country Club
711 Silver Lake Drive, Danville
Please RSVP

The San Ramon Valley Democratic Club is honored to have one of the most progressive elected officials in our area, Congressman Mark DeSaulnier! We greatly appreciate his taking time to come speak to our club.

Congressman Mark DeSaulnier (DE-SOWN-YAY) was elected to Congress in 2014 and proudly represents California’s 11th Congressional District, which includes the majority of Contra Costa County. As a member of the Education and Workforce Committee, Congressman DeSaulnier serves on the Workforce Protections Subcommittee and the Higher Education and Workforce Training Subcommittee.

Town Hall with indivisible East Bay in January, 2018

Town Hall with indivisible East Bay in January, 2018

As you can imagined, Democratic legislation cannot be passed in this Congress. However, recently Mark supported these bills which were passed. Protecting children from Identity Theft Act (H.R. 5192) and Taxpayer First Act (H.R. 5444) which makes filing taxes more consumer focused.

His recent actions:

  • Denounced the Republican Tax Scam Bill which is a disaster for everyone except the very wealthiest.
  • Bipartisan letter to Speaker Paul Ryan and Leader Nancy Pelosi urging that they ensure none of upcoming spending bills negatively impact efforts to reduce gun violence.
  • Letter to House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Trey Gowdy requesting he issue a subpoena for documents related to the citizenship question on the 2020 Census.
  • Letter to the Senate expressing opposition to a new authorization for the use of military force (AUMF) that would allow military operations to continue with no new constraints and no end date.
  • Congressman DeSaulnier at the Women's March

    Congressman DeSaulnier at the Women’s March

  • Letter to EPA Administrator Pruitt opposing the Administration’s decision to weaken a policy that would decrease pollution.
  • In response to the Trump Administration trying to undermine the EPA fuel efficiency goals, Mark recommended a national boycott of any vehicle company that fails to meet current EPA or California standards.

  • Mark is incredibly knowledgeable about history. He shares his reading list, urging us to read “Dark Money” by Nancy Mayer and “Democracy in Chains: The Deep History of the Radical Right’s Stealth Plan for America” by Nancy MacLean. Moreover, several years ago he spoke on a panel about how to implement public funding of elections at a CalPirg meeting at UC Berkeley.

    We welcome his progressive ideas and look forward to hearing about the “climate” of the Congress, the alliances he has forged, and possible new legislation. Come hear what is it like to be a legislator in the House. What are the hardest things? What kind of things can be accomplished? Is nonpartisan compromise possible? What is going to happen to the Budget?

    Congressman DeSaulnier at the March for Science

    Congressman DeSaulnier at the March for Science

    In the California State Senate, DeSaulnier was Chair of the Transportation and Housing Committee where he spearheaded an investigation on issues plaguing the Bay Bridge. In the State Assembly, he received the distinction of being the first freshman in history to chair the Assembly Transportation Committee. He has experience as a Concord City Councilmember, Mayor and as a member of the County Board of Supervisors. On the Board of Supervisors Mark sponsored the Industrial Safety Ordinance and the Refinery Flare Rule for local refineries and chemical facilities. Further, Mark served as a representative on the California Air and Resources Board and as a board member for the Metropolitan Transportation Commission.

    Please join us at 6:00 pm to talk about the latest political news or to just socialize and have fun.

    Members & Members and Invited Guests: $27
    Non-members: $32,

    Please email Brodie Hilp that you are coming by Monday, May 24 (we need a ‘head count’ for the dinner). Thank you for your help.

    RSVP: To make certain you have a dinner, please RSVP.
    Please make checks payable to Brodie Hilp, to 130 Bridgeside Circle, Danville, CA 94506