End the Bush Tax Cuts for the Wealthy: Phonebank Saturday December 1

Two Phonebank Options:
1. 10AM to 12PM at Michele’s house, 1559 Sunny Ct., Walnut Creek
2. 3PM to 5PM at Lisa’s house, 1175 Plaza Dr., Martinez

We’ll be calling constituents in the Sacramento area Congressional District 3 (Lungren), and in Southern California – CD 48 (Campbell) and CD 50 (Bilbray). These are Republican Congressmen. We will be calling constituent Democrats, and maybe some Independents – but only if they have previously indicated that they are supporters. We’ll be asking them to call their Congressman’s office to encourage him to support the President’s proposal to allow the Bush tax cuts to expire on the top 2%.

Congressman Lungren was defeated by Ami Bera but will be in office until the end of the year. We called his constituents in 2010 for a similar purpose, but the legislation was the DREAM Act and repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. It was one of the most positive phone banks we ever had – almost every person we talked to agreed to call his office and was very happy to talk to us – they were very unhappy that Cong. Lungren had kept his seat (Ami Bera lost that round narrowly). This year I think they’ll be happy to talk to us for just the opposite reason – it’s a time to thank them for their vote and keep them motivated to act politically – they made a difference!

Please RSVP to Sue Hammill, sue4ofa@gmail.com
Sue can also provide you a script before the phonebank.