AB 249 the California Disclose Act 2017

On July 27, 2017, the San Ramon Valley Democratic Club voted to endorse Assembly Bill 249, the California Disclose Act.

Whether you care most about our environment, health care, education, food safety, worker rights, civil rights, or fair taxes and regulations, your key issues are dominated by billionaires and special interests that spend unlimited amounts of hidden money to buy ballot measures and elections.

In California, $772 million was spent on ballot measures and independent expenditures in 2012 and 2014, most hidden in fine print behind misleading names. While a constitutional amendment overturning Citizens United is important, it could take years, and we can stop secret money in California elections now.

What will the 2017 Disclose Act do?

California Disclose Act

  • Require ads to show 3 largest funders of the ad in large clear type on a solid black background. No more fine print.
  • Applies to all ballot measure ads and to ads about candidates paid for by outside groups.
  • Will identify original funders so ads must display true funders instead of misleading names, even when they try to hide behind multiple layers