July 28, 2011

FIFTEEN BIGGEST LIES ABOUT THE ECONOMY: And Everything Else the Right Doesn’t Want You to Know about Taxes, Jobs, and Corporate America
SPEAKER: Joshua Holland

Joshua Holland

Joshua Holland

By nearly every conceivable standard, the American economy has gotten steadily worse from the time Reagan took office to the present. The anti-government, pro-corporate agenda has damaged our nation for too long, and yet, turn on Fox News and you’ll find them still hawking the same foolish theories, baseless accusations, and bald-faced lies. The Fifteen Biggest Lies about the Economy dissects each malicious fiction to reveal how the Right is just plain wrong on the economy — wrong on jobs, wrong on the deficit, wrong on taxes, wrong on trade. However, Holland goes beyond the most recent Republican talking points to explain the issues with the depth and nuance that you’ll need to see through the nonsense rhetoric you’re going to hear about the nation’s economy for some time to come.
Joshua Holland is a senior writer and editor at AlterNet, responsible for coverage of the economy, globalization, and immigration. AlterNet is a highly trafficked news portal with a readership of over two million visitors per month.

Local Speaker: Benito Delgado-Olson, Executive Director, K to College
Benito is an impressive young gentleman who been the driving force behind a non-profit organization doing good things for our local school students. Many of us have worked with him on stuffing school bags and are impressed with his efforts. We wanted to give our club a chance to meet him and to support his worthwhile organization. Benito Delgado-Olson is the cofounder and Executive Director of K to College. An Oakland native and graduate of several public schools, Benito has a lifelong interest in the public benefit (nonprofit) sector and education. Benito graduated with a double major from the University of California, Berkeley in 2007. During his senior year, he founded the student group that would eventually evolve into present day K to College. From its beginning, Benito has recruited a diverse and professional board of directors, developed and implemented the proven K to College business model, secured public and private partnerships at the state and local level and fundraised several million dollars for program operations.

Social Get Together 6:15 PM
Dinner 6:45 PM
Program 7:15 PM
Location: Crow Canyon Country Club
711 Silver Lake Drive, Danville, CA 94526 (925) 735-5700

Members & Invited Guests; $25
Non-members: $30 ($25 for dinner and $5 requested donation to help offset program costs)
Presentation only $5 (requested donation)

Please email Jim Donnelly that you are coming by Thursday, July 20 (we need a ‘head count’ for the dinner). Thank you for your help.

RSVP: To make certain you have a dinner, please RSVP.
Mail checks, made out to Jim Donnelly, to 373 Century Circle, Danville, CA 94526
Or call him at (925) 570-9289