May 24, 2012

SPEAKER:  Ro Khanna, U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Commerce 2009-2011
TOPIC: Manufacturing, Innovation and the American Economy
Thursday, May 24
7:00 pm (Dinner option begins at 6:15 pm)

Ro will

Ro Khanna

speak about why manufacturing is still key to America’s future. He will discuss why America is still competitive in manufacturing, and policies that can help our economic growth. Ro will discuss how President Obama’s economic policies are intended to foster innovation and give rise to new industries.Ro’s forthcoming book on the American economy will be released in August and can be found on Amazon.

Background: Ro Khanna was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and is a resident of Fremont, California. He served the Obama Administration as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Commerce. In this capacity, Ro oversaw 109 commerce offices that helped our manufacturers export and create jobs. Ro is a member of the board of Planned Parenthood, the board of I-Gate, a volunteer for We The People, and board member of Tri Valley Innovation. He has a forthcoming book entitled, “Entrepreneurial Nation: Why Manufacturing is Still Key To America’s Future.” He is a graduate of the University of Chicago in Economics and a graduate of the Yale Law School.

LOCAL SPEAKER: Steve Phillips
Chair and Founder of PowerPAC

Steve Phillips

Steve will speak about PAC+, a new national social justice political action committee with chapters in 15 states across the country, including Contra Costa County. Steve Phillips is a national advocacy organization that conducted the country’s largest independent expenditure effort in support of Barack Obama during the 2008 Presidential primaries. In 2010, PowerPAC raised hundreds of thousands of dollars to help Kamala Harris make history by becoming the first woman and the first person of color to be elected Attorney General.

Social Get together 6:15 PM
Dinner 6:45 PM
Program 7:15 PM

Location: Crow Canyon Country Club
711 Silver Lake Drive, Danville, CA 94526
(925) 735-5700

Members & Invited Guests: $25
Non-members: $30 ($25 for dinner and $5 requested donation to help offset program costs)
Presentation only $5 (requested donation)

Please email Jim Donnelly that you are coming by Monday, May 21 (we need a ‘head count’ for the dinner). Thank you for your help.

RSVP: To make certain you have a dinner, please RSVP.
Mail checks, made out to Jim Donnelly, to 373 Century Circle, Danville, CA 94526
Or call him at (925) 570-9289