NO on Prop. 32

Proposition 32 threatens to take unions out of the political process entirely. We’ve fought attempts like this twice before (1998 and 2005), but this new proposition is worse and will hurt our state and local parties.
Proposition 32 is deceptively named the, “Stop Special Interest Money Now Act”. Supporters claim it will take big money out of politics and fix all of Sacramento’s problems. In reality, this measure was carefully crafted to give billionaire businessmen and corporate special-interests even more political power. It’s more appropriately called the “Special Exemptions Act,” because the measure:

  • Creates special exemptions for wealthy donors and corporate special interests, allowing them to keep spending unlimited amounts of money through business ‘front’ groups.
  • Does nothing to restrict secretive Super PACs and their undisclosed donors from spending millions to influence elections in California.
  • Singles out everyday heroes like teachers, nurses and firefighters, by limiting their ability to speak out on critical issues in our communities that matter to us all.
  • If passed, this measure will have a devastating effect on the Democratic Party, candidates, and progressive issues we all care about.

    Click here to help defeat Prop. 32