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What is a Pre-endorsement? The California Democratic Party endorses candidates for State Assembly, State Senate and Congress at its annual convention. There are also Pre-Endorsement Conferences during mid-January 2017. It is at these conferences where our club’s delegates will vote for candidates they want endorsed by the California Democratic Party. The delegates may also pre-endorse by email.
The number of delegates our club receives is based on our official membership that we submitted in July 2017. Based CDP rules, the San Ramon Valley Democratic Club is entitled to 5 delegates from Assembly District 16. However, we need to vote for a few more delegates to act as alternates, in case a delegate (1) is unavailable in January, or (2) might be voted in as a delegate for another club.
To be eligible for consideration, you need to be a (1) registered Democrat, and (2) SRVDC member in good standing by July 1, 2017 (which means you are a registered Democrat and paid your dues by July 1).
Please email Brodie, by October 15, if you are very interested, so your name can be added to the ballot. Please include two sentence ballot statement about why you would be a good choice for a delegate.
Note: To be eligible to vote on the candidates, you need to be a SRVDC member as of September 29.